660 UC PUBG Mobile
This product is non-returnable and non-refundable.
Your purchased UC will be credited within 15 MINUTES – 24 HOURS.
WARNING! STEAMSHOP is not affiliated, associated, or in any way connected with websites/individuals that promise exchanges and/or trades of PUBG UC for other products. No assistance will be provided in such cases.
- PUBG Mobile Top Up process DOES NOT require your account details such as Login Account and Login Password.
- You may stay logged in throughout the transaction, once the top-up is done, you will receive the Unknown Cash in-game immediately.
- This service is not available for Japanese / Korean / Taiwan / Vietnam servers.
PUBG Mobile UC
PUBG Mobile, the original battle royale style game is now available on your device! Create your character and join the free-for-all battle online with your team or solo on the battlefield. PUBG is the in-game currencies of PUBG Mobile known as Unknown Cash (UC). Purchase in-game crate box to unlock weapon skins, clothes, parachutes, and many more with PUBG.
Purchase PUBG Mobile UC and enjoy in-game features such as Lucky Spin and Season Pass! PUBG UCs are credited directly to your account upon purchase.
The official PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS designed exclusively for mobile. Play free anywhere, anytime. PUBG MOBILE delivers the most intense free-to-play multiplayer action on mobile. Drop in, gear up, and compete. Survive epic 100-player classic battles, payload mode and fast-paced 4v4 team deathmatch and zombie modes. Survival is key and the last one standing wins. When duty calls, fire at will!
How to top-up PUBG Mobile UC?
1. Select the Unknown Cash UC denomination.
2. Enter your PUBG Mobile Player ID and NickName.
3. Checkout and select your payment method.
4. Once payment made, the PUBG Mobile UC you purchased will be credited to your PUBG Mobile Account shortly.