Battleping Time Code

Rs. 1,450 - Rs. 7,150
Availability: In stock
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Battleping Time Code

Looking for a way to reduce ping in games like Dota2, Lineage II, League of Legends, Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft? Battleping helps gamers achieve a faster connection and improve in-game response time to over 60 games! To see all the games our lower latency proxy service supports please CLICK HERE.

Battleping's goal is to lower ping or help stabilize connections for the games they support. A connection will be made to a Battleping server which will then connect to the game. This can provide a faster route or help to work around routing issues such as packet loss which is a big cause of lag spikes. Buy Battleping Time Code via STEAMSHOP now!  

How to redeem Battleping Time Key?

1. Open Battleping website and select the format to download.
2. Install Battleping and run the program.
3. Register an account: "Use Free Trial" or "Member".
4. Fill in the details for account registration.
5. Enter the Battleping Time Key into the blank space.

6. You have successfully redeemed Battleping Time Key.


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