CashtoCode eVoucher (Global)
This product is non-returnable and non-refundable.
The product code will be delivered within 15 MINUTES – 24 HOURS.
WARNING! STEAMSHOP is not affiliated, associated, or in any way connected with websites/individuals that promise exchanges and/or trades of CashtoCode eVouchers for other products. No assistance will be provided in such cases.
- This product is applicable for CashtoCode eVoucher (Global) region only (It is NOT redeemable for CashtoCode accounts created in other countries than Global and it is non-returnable and non-refundable)
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CashtoCode eVoucher (Global)
CashtoCode eVoucher (Global) allow you to pay on selected online merchants without a credit card. The CashtoCode eVoucher (Global) is a safe and convenient, instant payment alternative that helps you to maximize your online security by minimizing exposure of sensitive personal or financial information.
It is the easiest way to turn cash into a digital voucher which can be used to pay online at hundreds of websites.
CashtoCode eVoucher (Global) is also a great way to control your spending and avoid fees because you can only use the prepaid amount available on the voucher. You can easily pay on your favorite entertainment or gaming sites anonymously today!
How to redeem CashtoCode eVoucher (Global)?
1. Visit the Merchant you like to use your CashtoCode eVoucher with.
2. Select “CashtoCode” as payment option at checkout.
3. Ensure the payment amount matches exactly your eVoucher amount and currency.
4. Enter the 20-digit eVoucher code in the field shown.
5. Confirm that payment by pressing “Confirm”.