League of Legends RP (GBP)

Rs. 2,200 - Rs. 42,350
Availability: In stock
Only %1 left

This product is non-returnable and non-refundable.

The product code will be delivered within 15 MINUTES – 24 HOURS.

WARNING! STEAMSHOP is not affiliated, associated, or in any way connected with websites/individuals that promise exchanges and/or trades of League of Legends RP for other products/services. No assistance will be provided in such cases.

- This product is applicable for MENA/EU WEST/EAST/NORDIC region only. (It is NOT redeemable for League of Legends RP accounts created in other countries than the MENA/EU WEST/EAST/NORDIC and it is non-returnable and non-refundable)

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League of Legends RP

League of Legends RP (MENA/EU WEST/EAST/NORDIC) / Riot Point (MENA/EU WEST/EAST/NORDIC) is a digital code that can be redeemed for Riot points which can be used for League of Legends RP. Players compete with a global community of millions on fast-paced strategic battlefields in Riot’s games. Players can enhance their in-game experience by purchasing virtual items with Riot Points.

How to redeem the League of Legends RP or Riot Point?

1. Log in to Riot Game Client with your game account.
2. Click on the “Store” button which can find in-game.
3. Click on the “Purchase RP”.
4. Select the “Prepaid Cards” option and enter the digital code.
5. Select “Submit” to complete the redemption.

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